Reception/Foundation Stage Maths

By the end of Reception Year most children should be able to:


  • read numbers to 20 correctly
  • write numbers to 20 correctly
  • count objects up to 20 and always get it right
  • count reliably from 1 to 20 and place these numbers in the correct order.
  • given a number from 1 to 20, say the number that is one more and one less

Addition and Subtraction

  • using quantities and objects, add (+) and subtract (-) two single digit numbers e.g., 9 + 4, 7 - 3
  • count on (+) or back (-) to find the correct answer sometimes using a numberline
  • solve problems including doubling, halving, and sharing
  • understand and use the language involved in addition (more, makes, total, sum, add, altogether) and subtraction (take away, difference between, less, subtract, fewer, how many)

Shape, Space and Measure

  • use the correct names for ‘solid’ 3D shapes (sphere, cube, cuboid, pyramid) and ‘flat’ 2D shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle)
  • use correct mathematical language to describe these shapes e.g., faces, sides, corners, etc
  • use positional language correctly (behind, below, above, in front of, next to, between, inside, outside)
  • use everyday language to talk about size (larger, bigger, smaller) when comparing quantities and objects and solve problems
  • use everyday language to talk about weight (heavy, light, heavier than, lighter than) when comparing quantities and objects and solve problems
  • use everyday language to talk about capacity (full, empty) when comparing quantities and objects and solve problems
  • use everyday language to talk about distance (long, short, longer, taller, shorter) when comparing quantities and objects and solve problems
  • use everyday language to talk about time including days of the weeks and months of the year and begin to introduce time (e.g, faster, slower, earlier, later, o clock) and solve problems
  • use everyday language to talk about money (coins, pence, p, more than, less than) and solve problems
  • recognise, create and describe patterns