Our School Staff

For information regarding how best to contact a member of staff, please see our communication flow chart and follow links to our communication protocol here

Name Responsibilities
Mr Dan Turull Executive Headteacher & Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Lucy Cowgill

Head of School

Safeguarding lead

Mrs Jane Parkes-Cordock  Cherry Class teacher (EYFS & Yr 1)
Mrs Laura Muckley   Willow Class teacher (Yr 1 & Yr 2)
SENCo (School mental well-being representative)
Miss Amber-Jane Lakey Rowan Class (Yr 3)
Mrs Stephanie Wills Sycamore Class Teacher (Yr 4) (Thurs-Fri)
Mrs Helen Morris 

Sycamore Class Teacher (Yr 4) (Mon-Weds)

Mr Jack Rideout

Chestnut Class Teacher (Yr 5)

Miss Kate Hodgkinson

Oak Class Teacher (Yr 6)

Mrs Nicola Evans Teaching Assistant (Thrive lead)
Mrs Kate Webber Teaching Assistant
Miss Lisa Fry Teaching Assistant
Mrs Angela Willcox Teaching Assistant (Elsa lead)
Mrs Lorraine Appleyard

Forest School Leader

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Francesca Anthony

Forest School Assistant ; DT; Cooking

OPAL PLay Leader

School Administrator

Mrs Beverley Garrett

Catering Assistant

Mrs Tracey Eyres

Catering Assistant

Miss Tressa Gronowicz OPAL Play Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Miss Claire Smith School Administrator
OPAL Play Assistant
Clerk to Governors
Mr Al Parkes

Cleaning Supervisor

Mr Charlie Thomas


Mr Adrian Rideout


Teaching Staff                    
D Turull       

 female placeholder

  female placeholder    female placeholder     

Mr Dan Turull

Executive Head


 Mrs L Cowgill

Head of School

Safeguarding lead


 Mrs L Muckley

Maple Class Teacher




Mrs J Parkes Cordock

Cherry Class Teacher

EYFS leader

   Mrs L Stephens

 Sycamore Class Teacher




         H Morris            

Mr J Rideout

Oak Class Teacher


Mrs C Rawes

Willow Class Teacher



 Mrs H Morris

Sycamore Class Teacher



Miss K Hodgkinson

Chestnut Class Teacher




 Miss A Lakey

Rowan Class Teacher 

N Evans   L Fry   S Wills            

Mrs N Evans

Teaching Assistant


Miss L Fry

Teaching Assistant



Mrs S Wills

Class Teacher/Teaching Assistant (SEN)




Mrs A Willcox

Teaching Assistant


 Mrs L Appleyard

Teaching Assistant


Mrs K Webber

Teaching Assistant 


Mrs S Leaman 

Teaching Assistant

 Lunchtime Staff                  
Mrs Appleyard                    

Mrs L Appleyard

Forest School Leader



Mrs F Anthony

OPAL Play leader

Forest School Assistant 


 Miss T Gronowicz

OPAL Playworker

Teaching Assistant


Mrs T Eyres

Catering Assistant










Mrs Beverley Garrett




Office / Premises Staff                  

Mrs F Anthony

School Office Team 


Miss Claire Smith

School Office Team

Clerk to Governors

OPAL Play worker


 Mr Al Parkes

Cleaning Supervisor



Miss Tyler Flowers




 Mr Charlie Thomas




Adrian Rideout



Clutton Primary School Local Governing Body

Statutory information about the Local Governing Body composition can be found on the Midsomer Norton Schools Partnership website.  Click on the Clutton link under Local Governing Body - Primary

Composition of the Midsomer Norton Schools Partnership Local Governing Body

Parent Governors
Up to two parent governors, to be elected by the parents at that school or appointed by the governing body to represent the interests of the parents.

Director Appointed Governors
Up to four director appointed governors are appointed by the directors of the Midsomer Norton Schools Partnership (MNSP).

Community Governors
Up to two community governors being persons living or working in the local community of the school or such other persons having an interest in the school.

Staff Governors
Up to one staff member is elected by the staff of the school (excluding the Head teacher).

The Headteacher sits on the school’s LGB by virtue of office.

Governing Body Update

Message from Chair of Governors - Matthew Norcott

I would like to introduce myself as the Chair of Governors at Clutton Primary School.

I have been involved with the school as a governor since 2022 during which time I have had the privilege of visiting the school regularly to see first hand both the fantastic learning your children take part in as well as the kind and caring ethos that the staff provide. It was a great pleasure to represent the governing board during last year’s OFSTED inspection and see the children and staff’s hard work deservedly recognised by the inspection team.

In my ‘day job’, I am the Headteacher of Weston All Saints (WASPS), a large primary school in Bath. I have been a headteacher for a little over 6 years so am glad to be able to offer my own understanding of highly effective educational leadership to the governing board and provide support and challenge to Clutton’s leadership team. I have lived in Clutton since 2021 and have a son who attends the Clutton Playgroup at the Cabin.

I am very excited about this new position and hope to be able to spend additional time in school this year, getting to know the staff, children and parents!




Local Governing Body Members


Matthew Norcott

Director Appointed

Chair of Governors


Lucy Cowgill

Head of School

Anne Stone

Community Governor


Jack Rideout

Staff Governor





Cathy Bush

Community Governor


Steve Milsom 

Parent Governor

Kristian Hansen

Community Governor

  Claire Smith

Clerk to LGB (csmith@cluttonschool.com)



Greg Griffiths

Parent Govenor 









Governor Composition and Attendance

To view our current composition and attendance please click here.


Register of Business Interests

Please click here to view our register of pecuniary interests.

Role of the Governing Body

Governors come from a variety of different backgrounds, reflecting the many interest groups in Clutton Primary School, but they have one important thing in common. They are dedicated to ensuring that all the children in the School have the best possible education at all times. This is the primary focus of all governors.

Clutton Primary School Governors have a wide range of experience, knowledge and competence working effectively as a team making corporate decisions.

Although the work of the governing body is voluntary, it has many responsibilities, but generally it is there to be a critical friend to the school, and to challenge and support the leadership team.

Becoming a Governor

If you are interested in serving the school and wider community as a governor, you will need to contact  the school.

Parent Governors are elected by other parents at the school for a fixed term of 4 years. Parents are advised in writing when a vacancy for a Parent Governor arises. Full details of the criteria and the process for nominations and any election are provided at the time.

Staff Governors are members of the School staff* who are elected by the staffing body (both teaching and non-teaching). 

Community Governors are appointed by the Governing Body to represent community interests or to bring specific skills to the Governing Body.

Director appointed governors are appointed by the Trust. The Trust will appoint governors with a particular skill set required to fulfil the role of the governing body.

*Employees from other Trust schools may be brought in as a director appointed governor, based on a specific skill set. However, a balance of MSNSP employees and non employees will be met.

Local Governing Bodies across the Multi Academy Trust
For information regarding the Midsomer Norton School Partnership Trust board and governing boards in other Partnership Schools, please refer to the Trust website here.

Chair of Governors
Matthew Norcott